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发布日期:2023-11-29 20:43    点击次数:196



Kim "Doinb" Tae-sang is a professional League of Legends player from Korea. He is considered one of the best mid-laners in the world and has had a remarkable journey in the e-sports scene. In this article, we will take a look at his journey from the beginning to becoming a worldwide sensation, known and respected by fans of this popular game.

From Zero

Before entering the e-sports scene, Doinb was just an ordinary college student. He started playing League of Legends in 2012, but never thought about pursuing it professionally. His first team was not so successful, and he failed to qualify for tournaments, but he continued to play and improve his skills.

First Steps

In 2014, Doinb joined his first professional team, Prime Optimus Gaming. Unfortunately, the team disbanded a year later due to financial difficulties. However, Doinb did not give up and continued his journey. He joined teams such as HKE, Qiao Gu Reapers, and Newbee, but it wasn't until his time with QG Reapers that he made a name for himself.

Rising to Fame

In 2016, Doinb joined QG Reapers as their mid-laner. This marked the beginning of his rise to fame. The team initially struggled, but Doinb's skills and leadership helped them improve and qualify for the League of Legends World Championship in 2016. They performed admirably, finishing in the quarterfinals. Doinb's performance earned him a spot on the LPL All-Stars team in 2016 and 2017.

A New Beginning

In 2017, Doinb left QG Reapers and joined JD Gaming. This marked a new chapter in his career, and once again, he proved his worth. JD Gaming won the 2019 LPL Spring Split, and Doinb was named the season's MVP. The team went on to compete in the League of Legends World Championship, but unfortunately, they were eliminated in the quarterfinals. Nevertheless, Doinb's performance was once again impressive, and he gained more fans from all over the world.

Current Success

Currently, Doinb is the mid-laner for FunPlus Phoenix, a Chinese team. With this team, he won the 2019 League of Legends World Championship. This was a dream come true for Doinb, as he had worked tirelessly to achieve this goal. His skills and leadership were instrumental in this victory, and he was once again named the MVP of the tournament.


Doinb's journey to becoming a worldwide sensation is nothing short of inspiring. He never gave up despite facing several challenges. With his determination, leadership, and skills, he has become one of the most respected players in the e-sports scene. His fans all over the world continue to support him, and he serves as a role model for many aspiring players who dream of making it big. We can only wait to see what he accomplishes in the future.